Quadratic Equation Solver CLI

Quadratic Equation Solver

This is lab 1 for Software Development Methodologies and Technologies

This tiny CLI program written in Swift lets you solve quadratic equations


  1. Be sure that you have installed Git to clone the repository and Swift to run script

  2. Clone the repository to you local machine

git clone https://github.com/MrPaschenko/quadratic-equation-solver
  1. Open directory
cd quadratic-equation-solver/Quadratic\ Equation\ Solver
  1. Run script
swift main.swift


There are two modes supported:

  1. Interactive
  2. Noninteractive

To change mode, comment/uncomment 55/56 lines.


Just enter real numbers for a, b, c variables and script will solve the problem!

Welcome to Quadratic Equation Solver!
ax^2 + bx + c = 0
Please, enter real numbers
> a = 2
> b = 1
> c = -3
Equation is: (2.0) x^2 + (1.0) x + (-3.0) = 0
Discriminant is 25.0
There are 2 roots
x1 = 1.0
x2 = -1.5


Enter path to file to solve the problem.

Welcome to Quadratic Equation Solver!
Please, enter path to file
> Documents/file.txt
Equation is: (1.0) x^2 + (0.0) x + (0.0) = 0
Discriminant is 0.0
There is 1 root
x = -0.0

File’s content should be as follows:

1 0 0

