Record a gif from your iOS simulator in a jiffy


Record a gif from your iOS simulator in a jiffy.


Assuming that you have Homebrew installed, execute the following steps:

  1. Use this repository as a "tap" (alternative package repository):
$ brew tap fjcaetano/ios-simulator-gif
  1. Install ios-simulator-gif (and dependencies):
$ brew install fjcaetano/ios-simulator-gif/ios-simulator-gif


$ ios-simulator-gif [options] {out_file} {-- [ffmpeg options]}
Options Description Default value
-r, --rate Framerate of the output 6
-f, --format Output format gif
-vf, --video-filter Video filter for ffmpeg scale=320:-1
-h, --help Outputs helper message N/A

If no file name is given, it will save the gif to ./simulator.gif

Sending extra arguments to ffmpeg

If you need to send extra arguments to ffmpeg, everything sent after double slashes (--) will be
sent to ffmpeg as arguments:

$ ios-simulator-gif -r 30 example.gif -- -b 128k
