Sample app sign in/ signup with Firebase using multiple methods
A sample project exploring sign in/signup with Firebase using various methods.
The Goal
Since Firebase is one of the most popular platforms used for authentication, storage, and analytic features (to name a few), having a reusable framework handy will save time on future development of applications that integrate multiple means of authentication.
Features currently being explored
- First name, last name, email, password and optional profile image for signup.
- Email/password sign-in.
- Facebook login.
- Google sign-in.
- Sign out.
- Password reset.
Future plans
- Code refactoring/restructuring/improvement.
- Additional features & authentication methods.
- Documentation.
- Animations.
- Unit tests.
Firestore over Realtime Database?
- Firestore was created for mobile development.
- Firestore is more accomodating when it comes to increased data complexity and interaction with large data sets.
- Greater availability.
- Potential offline interaction with local device data.