Search bookmarks in SourceTree and launch them in Alfred

SourceTree alfred workflow

Search bookmarks in SourceTree and launch them in Alfred.

Credits: This is a swift clone of Alfred_SourceTree by yourtion. Due to the latest release of macOS 12.3, python2 has been removed, which broke the original workflow. So I reimplemented this workflow in Swift. It should be much more stable and faster.



  1. you must have SourceTree installed
  2. you should have unlocked Powerpack in Alfred
  3. make sure you have swift available in terminal.(If you have Xcode installed, you can skip this step.):
    1. type swift --version in terminal, if you don’t see any version info output, following next step to install it.
    2. type xcode-select --install in terminal to install swift cli tools


download workflow then click the downloaded file to install


launch alfred then input st and keyword separated with a space to search bookmarks, press enter to launch the bookmark in SourceTree.

Contributions and Support

I’m new to swift, feel free to make a pull request if you are willing to improve the code quality or its functions.


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