Seriously - Self iOS Swift project

Seriously, you must check this out!

After a month building this up, I am finally quite satisfied about how my very first Swift project it’s working. Please meet “Seriously”, an app that shows TV Series information (yes, that really was the best name that i could think. Seriously, Im not joking).

Made feature to keep infinite scrolling and update with new pages.

The public API that I’m using ( also have a endpoint that provides results for any text that I wish to search. So it was pretty simple to implement a searchable method to my project. Works like a charm.

Also made this “like” feature to study how navigation data between different pages works.

Isn’t 100% done yet. Still must study persistent data to keep my liked tvSeries list always on memory, and also implement the “dislike” function to remove my serie from favorites list.

? Some finals considerations

I made this app only to study API calls and to improve my swift skills. For obvious reasons this won’t play any TV shows episode.

All the app was made on viewCode with MVVM architecture, so it was really challenging to implement some patterns. But it was reaaally fun to mess around with API data.

I didn’t design all the app interface. The project was adapted from this post at dribbble (


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