Simple app using newsApi and tableView


Simple app using newsApi and tableView

// Created by Tilo on 2021-10-14.
// 1. Create a tableView in Storyboard
// 2. Create new cocoa touch tableview file
// 3. Create the didSet arrData property
// 4. Connect storyboard tableview to TVC
// 5. Connect storbyoard tableview outlet property to TVC
// 6. Add delegates to viewDidLoad()
// 7. Add ManagerJSON.getData to viewDidLoad()
// 8. Create new swift file ManagerJSON
// 9. Create the Model file
// 10. Build
// 11. In Storyboard add “reuseIdentifier” to cell
// 11. Change numberOfSections = 1, numberOfRows = arrData.count
// 12. Add cell.textLabel!.text = arrData[indexPath.row].title

Thats all I do here..


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