Simple networking package using async/await


A simple networking package utilizing async/await that includes optional logging.

How to use

  1. Create a data model that conforms to Codable
  2. Create an Endpoint, passing that data model type when initializing
  3. Initialize Network, providing a baseURL
  4. Call Network.request() passing an endpoint
  5. Wait for the decoded model to return or an error to be thrown.

// 1.
struct Coffee: Codable {
    let id: Int
    let name: String

// 2.
var params = Parameters()
params["userId"] = "ABC-123"

let endpoint = Endpoint<Coffee>(path: "/get_coffees", urlParams: params)

// 3.
let network = Network(baseURL: "")

// 4.
Task {
    do {
        let coffee = try await network.request(endpoint: endpoint)
        print("Congrats. Your coffee's name is \(")
    } catch {


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