Simple photo sharing app using Firebase Authentication and Storage
? Photogram
Simple photo sharing app using Firebase Authentication and Storage with the ability to edit images before upload using Core Image Filters (up to 7)
I am currently working on extending the available features further by adding the ability to unlike & comment and additional image editing capabilities.
I have also identified a bug with the like feature that I have only noticed recently which I am working to fix and publish changes.
Project Setup
To be able to run this project, you will need to have a Firebase account.
Set up a new project on Firebase Console and follow the instructions to add config file and Firebase SDK.
Clone the repository and run:
pod init
Add the following to your project Podfile
pod 'Firebase/Auth'
pod 'Firebase/Firestore'
pod 'Firebase/Storage'
pod 'SDWebImage', '~> 5.0'
Then run:
pod install
Once the setup is completed, you will need to create a Firestore database and set-up the user Authentication. You can access the Firebase docs at