Simple todo list app written in Swift

About TodoApp

TodoApp is sinmple todo list app that I created in my free time, it allows the user to create task that need to be completed, edit those tasks or delete them (mark them as done).

The database used is Realm mainly because the simple configuration it requires.

Tools used

  • Xcode 13.2.1
  • Swift 5
  • RealmSwift 10.17.0

If you want to clone this repo you will need to execute pod install in the project folder in order to work


App Logo:

Creating a new task:

Alerts on completion:

To Do list:

Mark as Done:


Q: Is this the final version?
A: Nope, just the first one, I plan to change the UI soon

Q: Why not CoreData instead of Realm?
A: In my opinion it’s easier to work with Realm


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