Simple UITextfield Subclass with state
Simple UITextfield Subclass with state.
You can use cocoapods to add UnderLineTextField to your project
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'UnderLineTextField', '~> 2.0'
You can use Carthage to add UnderLineTextField to your project
To integrate UnderLineTextField into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your 'Cartfile':
github "mohammadalijf/UnderLineTextField"
Run carthage update
to build the framework and drag the built UnderLineTextField.framework
into your Xcode project.
xcode does not support 'IBDesignable' or 'IBInspecatable' on cocoa frameworks. to work around for carthage users. created simple 'UnderLineTextFieldCarthage.swift' file. it is a wrapper around 'UnderLineTextfield' which can be used in projects for supporting 'IBDesignable' and 'IBInspecatable'. just simply drop 'UnderLineTextFieldCarthage.swift' in your project and use this class instead of 'UnderLineTextfield'.
How It Works
each textfield have four state
when textfield have no errors or warnings and is resigned from first responder
when textfield become first responder
when you want show warnings to user
when you want show error to user
by default textfield have .inactive state
textfield have diffrent kind of UnderLineTextFieldValidateType. each time tells textfield when call validate().
as soon as textfield value changes
as soon as textfield didEndEditing
manualy gets validate by user
alway validate textfield. when become beginEditing, when value changes, when didEndEditing
by default value is .afterEdit
you can change validation type by setting validationType
underLineTextField.validationType = .always
you can ask textfield to validate user input by calling
Also you have UnderLineTextFieldDelegate to help you with your textfield. when a class confirm to UnderLineTextFieldDelegate protocol, it also confirms to UITextFieldDelegate. so you have both delegate methods on hand.
- textFieldValidate
this func is called whenever you ask the textfield to validate() user input. you usually want to set warning or error state in here.
func textFieldValidate(underLineTextField: UnderLineTextField) throws
you can either throw warrning or errors
func textFieldValidate(underLineTextField: UnderLineTextField) throws {
throw UnderLineTextFieldErrors
.error(message: "error message")
// or
throw UnderLineTextFieldErrors
.warning(message: "warning message")
- textFieldTextChanged
this func is called when text changes. or clear button is used.
func textFieldTextChanged(underLineTextField: UnderLineTextField)