Small app for displaying events, births and deaths on a specific date


I worked through a tutorial for Mac development that created an application to display the events, births and deaths on a date in history. You select the month and day and, using a publicly available web API, I download and display various events, births and deaths throughout history. Having completed the MacOS application, I decided to create an equivalent iOS app… I needed the practice as I’m kind of new to SwiftUI and, I thought, creating the iOS variant couldn’t be that hard.

Silly me.

The original app was part of the training to be found on the Ray Wenderlich site. They have an enormously useful book MacOS By Tutorials that walks you through the basics of creating a Mac application. As part of the development, they use the API to retrieve the event data. My iOS version uses the same techniques to retrieve the event data but introduces an iOS specific user interface.

I can highly recommend the book.


The main focus of this app was to create something that uses a public API from an iOS device to retrieve data and present it to the user in a reasonably decent way. Along the way, I decided to make this an iPad app, as the screen space on a phone just wasn’t going to be good enough.

Getting Started


There are no external dependencies for this application


Download the source and compile it.


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