Small command line tool for generate and reconition qr codes written in Swift

qr code generator tool

Small command line tool for generate and reconition qr codes written in Swift


Usage: ./qrgen [options]
  -m, --mode:
      mode. g - generation, r = reconition, default is generation
  -s, --silent:
      suppress output, default is false
  -i, --input:
      source (either string to encode for genetation or image file name for recognition), required
  -o, --output:
      output file name, required
      size of the image, default is 400
  -b, --back:
      background color #RRGGBB, default if #FFFFFF
  -f, --front:
      foreground color #RRGGBB, default is #000000


MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
