Snippets library for Swift and SwiftUI


SnippetsLibrary is a helpful tool for Swift and SwiftUI developers to help with their daily coding life. SnippetsLibrary contains all the needed code snippets for you to view, edit, or add more and more. This will make your daily work easier and faster.


The SnippetsLibrary app can be downloaded directly from the Mac App Store or you can join the Developer Beta Testing Program via Test Flight:

App Store

Check the released version of Snippets Library in the Mac App Store:

Not available yet

Test Flight

You can join the SnippetsLibrary app beta testing by clicking on the invite link below:

Getting Started

Getting started with the SnippetsLibrary is as simple as cloning this project with your favorite Git client, you can choose it from the recommended clients listed below:

Availabe Functionalities

For the complete documentation, visit https://swiftdevtools/snippetslibrary/docs. For more tutorials, news and announcements check out our blog or social media accounts.

Language support

Looking for more Objective-C language support? Help us by contributing a pull request with the Objective-C snippets!


All code contributions must go through a pull request and be approved by a core developer before being merged. This is to ensure a proper review of all the code.

We truly ❤️ pull requests! If you wish to help, you can email us at or DM us on Twitter.


For security issues, kindly email us at instead of posting a public issue on GitHub.
