Sticky Layout for UICollection Views


Sticky Layout for UICollectionViews!

What is StickyLayout?

StickyLayout is a collection view layout that provides sticky row and column configurability.


  • [X] Pure Swift 5.
  • [X] Horizontal and vertical scrolling support.
  • [X] Configurable Sticky options.
  • [X] Works with every UICollectionView.


Using StickyLayout quick and simple. First import StickyLayout. You then have the option of creating an instance of StickyConfig, where you can specify which rows/columns you want to be sticky. Create an instance of StickyLayout with your StickyConfig as a parameter, and add it to your UICollectionView.

import StickyLayout
let stickyConfig = StickyLayoutConfig(stickyRowsFromTop: 1,
                                stickyRowsFromBottom: 0,
                                stickyColsFromLeft: 1,
                                stickyColsFromRight: 0)

let layout = StickyLayout(stickyConfig: stickyConfig)
UICollectionView(frame: .zero, collectionViewLayout: layout)


BouncyLayout is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "StickyLayout"
