SweetURLRequest simplifies common cases for creating an URLRequest and handling HTTPURLResponse


SweetURLRequest simplifies common cases for creating an URLRequest and handling HTTPURLResponse.

Extensions for URLRequest:

⚡ Constants for HTTP methods
⚡ Properties to set common HTTP headers
⚡ URL/Form/JSON encoded parameters

Extensions for HTTPURLResponse:

⚡ Check for a 2xx success status code
⚡ Handle HTTP status codes via switch/case
⚡ Error enum for HTTP status codes


Example project

MetMuseumEndpoints: A Swift package for the The Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection API

Constants for HTTP methods

    method: .post,
    url: URL(string: "http://www.example.com")!

Properties to set common HTTP headers

var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "http://www.example.com")!)
request.headers.accept = .json
request.headers.contentType = .xml
request.headers.authorization = "Bearer xyz"

URL/Form/JSON encoded parameters

Parameters will be URL-encoded for GET/HEAD/DELETE and sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded body for other methods by default:

    method: .get,
    url: URL(string: "http://www.example.com")!,
    parameters: ["param1" : "äöü", "param2" : "foo bar"]

You can also pass a JSON body, this will use JSONEncoder to serialize the given data and set an appropriate Content-Type header:

try URLRequest(
    method: .post,
    url: URL(string: "http://www.example.com")!,
    jsonBody: Person(name: "Bob")

Check for a success status code in the 2xx range

func expectSuccess(response: URLResponse) throws {
    let status = (response as! HTTPURLResponse).status
    guard status.responseType == .success else { throw status }

Handle HTTP status codes via switch/case, throw a status code as Error

func validate(response: URLResponse) throws {
    let status = (response as! HTTPURLResponse).status

    guard status.responseType == .success else {
        switch status {
        case .unauthorized:
            print("Non-success status: \(status)")
        throw status

