Swift Bot with Vapor for Telegram Bot Api

Telegram Vapor Bot


create folder with your handlers TGHandlers/DefaultBotHandlers.swift

import Vapor
import telegram_vapor_bot

final class DefaultBotHandlers {

    static func addHandlers(app: Vapor.Application, bot: TGBotPrtcl) {
        defaultHandler(app: app, bot: bot)
        commandPingHandler(app: app, bot: bot)
        commandShowButtonsHandler(app: app, bot: bot)
        buttonsActionHandler(app: app, bot: bot)

    /// add handler for all messages unless command "/ping" 
    private static func defaultHandler(app: Vapor.Application, bot: TGBotPrtcl) {
        let handler = TGMessageHandler(filters: (.all && !.command.names(["/ping"]))) { update, bot in
            let params: TGSendMessageParams = .init(chatId: .chat(update.message!.chat.id), text: "Success")
            try bot.sendMessage(params: params)

    /// add handler for command "/ping"
    private static func commandPingHandler(app: Vapor.Application, bot: TGBotPrtcl) {
        let handler = TGCommandHandler(commands: ["/ping"]) { update, bot in
            try update.message?.reply(text: "pong", bot: bot)
    /// add handler for command "/show_buttons" - show message with buttons
    private static func commandShowButtonsHandler(app: Vapor.Application, bot: TGBotPrtcl) {
        let handler = TGCommandHandler(commands: ["/show_buttons"]) { update, bot in
            guard let userId = update.message?.from.id else { fatalError("user id not found") }
            let buttons: [[TGInlineKeyboardButton]] = [
                [.init(text: "Button 1", callbackData: "press 1"), .init(text: "Button 2", callbackData: "press 2")]
            let keyboard: TGInlineKeyboardMarkup = .init(inlineKeyboard: buttons)
            let params: TGSendMessageParams = .init(chatId: .chat(userId),
                                                    text: "Keyboard activ",
                                                    replyMarkup: .inlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard))
            try bot.sendMessage(params: params)
    /// add two handlers for callbacks buttons
    private static func buttonsActionHandler(app: Vapor.Application, bot: TGBotPrtcl) {
        let handler = TGCallbackQueryHandler(pattern: "press 1") { update, bot in
            try update.message?.reply(text: update.callbackQuery?.data ?? "data not exist", bot: bot)
        let handler2 = TGCallbackQueryHandler(pattern: "press 2") { update, bot in
            try update.message?.reply(text: update.callbackQuery?.data ?? "data not exist", bot: bot)


Use with LongPolling

for longpolling you should only configure vapor configure.swift

import telegram_vapor_bot

let connection: TGConnectionPrtcl = TGLongPollingConnection()
TGBot.configure(connection: connection, botId: tgApi, vaporClient: app.client)
try TGBot.shared.start()

/// set level of debug if you needed 
TGBot.log.logLevel = .error

DefaultBotHandlers.addHandlers(app: app, bot: TGBot.shared)

Use with Webhooks

vapor configure.swift

import telegram_vapor_bot

let connection: TGConnectionPrtcl = TGWebHookConnection(webHookURL: "https://your_domain/some_webhook_route")
TGBot.configure(connection: connection, botId: tgApi, vaporClient: app.client)
try TGBot.shared.start()

/// set level of debug if you needed 
TGBot.log.logLevel = .error

DefaultBotHandlers.addHandlers(app: app, bot: TGBot.shared)

vapor routes.swift

import Vapor
import telegram_vapor_bot

func routes(_ app: Application) throws {

    app.post("some_webhook_route") { (request) -> String in
        do {
            let update: TGUpdate = try request.content.decode(TGUpdate.self)
            try TGBot.shared.connection.dispatcher.process([update])
        } catch {

        return "ok"

Add to your Vapor project with Swift Package Manager

add to yor Package.json

// swift-tools-version:5.3

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "Telegram-bot-example",
    platforms: [
    dependencies: [
        .package(name: "vapor", url: "https://github.com/vapor/vapor.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.45.0")),
        .package(name: "telegram-vapor-bot", url: "https://github.com/nerzh/telegram-vapor-bot", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.2.4")),
    targets: [
            name: "Telegram-bot-example",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "Vapor", package: "vapor"),
                .product(name: "telegram-vapor-bot", package: "telegram-vapor-bot"),


Inspired by Telegrammer

