Swift library to help you add GDPR functionality to your app


Note: This library only helps you collect consents for the services in your app that needs it, actually disabling those services is developer's job.


Define the services in your app needing the user consent

Note: Some generic services can be found in ConsentKitServices

enum Services: String, ConsentKitItem {

        case icloud = "iCloud"
        case analytics = "analytics"

        func title() -> String {
            switch self {
                case .icloud: return "iCloud"
                case .analytics: return "Google analytics"
        func description() -> String {
            switch self {
                case .icloud: return "Wether to accept iCloud or not"
                case .analytics: return "Google analytics"
        func alertMessage() -> String {
            switch self {
                case .icloud: return "I hereby accept this app to store my data in the Apple's iCloud!"
                case .analytics: return "I hereby accept this app to store analytics in Google analytics!"

In the flow of your app where you need consent, instantiate the lib

let gdpr = ConsentKit()

Check if you have missing consents

If yes, add the default ConsentKitViewController to handle all the switches for you. One item is a touple of (ConsentKitItem, Bool)

if gdpr.needsReviewing([Services.icloud, Services.analytics]) {

    let vc = ConsentKitViewController()
    vc.items = [
        (Services.icloud, gdpr.isAccepted(Services.icloud)),
        (Services.analytics, gdpr.isAccepted(Services.analytics)),
        (ConsentKitServices.location, gdpr.isAccepted(ConsentKitServices.location))
    self.present(vc, animated: true)

Custom storage

By default ConsentKit keeps values in UserDefaults, but you can change that with the gdpr.dataSource property. Just assign or pass through constructor a class implementing the ConsentKitDataSource

let gdpr = ConsentKit(dataSource: InMemoryDataSource())// InMemoryDataSource implements ConsentKitDataSource

protocol ConsentKitDataSource {
    func isAccepted (_ item: ConsentKitItem) -> Bool
    func isReviewed (_ item: ConsentKitItem) -> Bool
    func setAccepted (_ value: Bool, for item: ConsentKitItem)
    func reset (_ item: ConsentKitItem)// Optional
