Swift package providing components from the matrix-rust-sdk

Swift package for Matrix Rust components

This repository is a Swift Package for distributing releases of the Matrix Rust SDK. It provides the Swift source code packaged in a format understood by the Swift package manager, and depends on a pre-compiled binary release of the underlying Rust code published from Matrix Rust SDK.


Whenever a new release of the underlying components is availble, we need to tag a new release in this repo to make them available to Swift components.
To do so we need to:

  • running the .xcframework build script from matrix-rust-sdk/apple
  • copy the generated .swift files to this repository under Sources/MatrixRustComponentsSwift
  • create a new tag and upload the zipped version of the .xcframework to it’s artifacts section
  • update the tag version inside Package.swift

Testing locally

The package can be added to an Xcode project from a local checkout and the binary target can be configured with a local path.
It might be necessary to manually add the resulting library to your project’s General/Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content for it to work.


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