Swift SDK for Clickstream Analytics on AWS

AWS Solution Clickstream Analytics SDK for Swift


Clickstream Swift SDK can help you easily report in-app events on iOS. After the event is reported, statistics and analysis of specific scenario data can be completed on AWS Clickstream solution.

The SDK relies on the Amplify for Swift Core Library and is developed according to the Amplify Swift SDK plug-in specification. In addition to this, we’ve added commonly used preset event statistics to make it easier to use.

Platform Support

The Clickstream SDK supports iOS 13+.

API Documentation

Integrate SDK

Clickstream requires Xcode 13.4 or higher to build.

1.Add Package

We use Swift Package Manager to distribute Clickstream Swift SDK, open your project in Xcode and select File > Add Pckages.

Enter the Clickstream Library for Swift GitHub repo URL (https://github.com/awslabs/clickstream-swift) into the search bar, You’ll see the Clickstream Library for Swift repository rules for which version of Clickstream you want Swift Package Manager to install. Choose Up to Next Major Version, then click Add Package, make the Clickstream product checked as default, and click Add Package again.

2.Parameter configuration

Downlod your amplifyconfiguration.json file from your Clickstream solution control plane, and paste it to your project root folder:

the json file will be as follows:

  "analytics": {
    "plugins": {
      "awsClickstreamPlugin ": {
        "appId": "appId",
        "endpoint": "https://example.com/collect",
        "isCompressEvents": true,
        "autoFlushEventsInterval": 10000,
        "isTrackAppExceptionEvents": false

Your appId and endpoint are already set up in it, here’s an explanation of each property:

  • appId: the app id of your project in control plane.
  • endpoint: the endpoint url you will upload the event to AWS server.
  • isCompressEvents: whether to compress event content when uploading events, default is true
  • autoFlushEventsInterval: event sending interval, the default is 10s
  • isTrackAppExceptionEvents: whether auto track exception event in app, default is false

3.Initialize the SDK

Once you have configured the parameters, you need to initialize it in AppDelegate’s didFinishLaunchingWithOptions lifecycle method to use the SDK.

import Clickstream
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    do {
        try ClickstreamAnalytics.initSDK()
    } catch {
        assertionFailure("Fail to initialize ClickstreamAnalytics: \(error)")
    return true

4.Config the SDK

import Clickstream

// config the sdk after initialize.
do {
    var configuration = try ClickstreamAnalytics.getClickstreamConfiguration()
    configuration.appId = "appId"
    configuration.endpoint = "https://example.com/collect"
    configuration.authCookie = "your authentication cookie"
    configuration.sessionTimeoutDuration = 1800000
    configuration.isTrackAppExceptionEvents = false
    configuration.isLogEvents = true
    configuration.isCompressEvents = true    
    configuration.isLogEvents = true
} catch {
    print("Failed to config ClickstreamAnalytics: \(error)")

note: this configuation will override the default configuation in amplifyconfiguration.json file

Start using

Recored event.

Add the following code where you need to complete the event report.

import Clickstream

let attributes: ClickstreamAttribute = [
    "channel": "apple",
    "uccessful": true,
    "ProcessDuration": 12.33,
    "UserAge": 20,
ClickstreamAnalytics.recordEvent(eventName: "testEvent", attributes: attributes)

// for record an event directly
ClickstreamAnalytics.recordEvent(eventName: "button_click")

Add global attribute

import Clickstream

let globalAttribute: ClickstreamAttribute = [
    "channel": "apple",
    "class": 6,
    "level": 5.1,
    "isOpenNotification": true,
ClickstreamAnalytics.addGlobalAttributes(attributes: globalAttribute)

// for delete an global attribute
ClickstreamAnalytics.deleteGlobalAttributes(attributes: "level")

Login and logout

import Clickstream

// when user login usccess.
ClickstreamAnalytics.setUserId(userId: "userId")

// when user logout
ClickstreamAnalytics.setUserId(userId: nil)

When we log into another user, we will clear the before user’s user attributes, after setUserId() you need to add new user’s attribute.

Add user attribute

import Clickstream

let userAttributes : ClickstreamAttribute=[
    "_user_age": 21,
    "_user_name": "carl"
ClickstreamAnalytics.addUserAttributes(attributes: userAttributes)

Current login user‘s attributes will be cached in disk, so the next time app launch you don’t need to set all user’s attribute again, of course you can update the current user’s attribute when it changes.

Log the event json in debug mode

import Clickstream

// log the event in debug mode.
do {
    var configuration = try ClickstreamAnalytics.getClickstreamConfiguration()
    configuration.isLogEvents = true
} catch {
    print("Failed to config ClickstreamAnalytics: \(error)")

After config configuration.isLogEvents = true and when you record an event, you can see the event json at your Xcode log pannel by filter EventRecorder.

Send event immediately

import Clickstream
// for send event immediately.

How to build&test locally

Config your code format

Install swiftformat plugin in your Xcode, and config shortcut for code format.

Config your code lint

Install swiftlint, and execute the below command at the project root folder:



Open an termial window, at the root project folder to execute:

swift build


swift test


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under Apache 2.0 License.


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