Swift SDK to add symbl's api cababilities to your iOS, iPad and Mac apps

Symbl Swift SDK

Swift SDK to add symbl’s api cababilities to your iOS, iPad and Mac apps



Please use Swift Package Manager

Repository address: git@github.com:subodhjena/symbl-swift-sdk.git or https://github.com/subodhjena/symbl-swift-sdk.git


Follow the below steps

Initialize the SDK

let symbl = Symbl(accessToken: accessToken)

Implement the delegate to start receiving data, remember to implement the protocol methods, they receive all the conversation intellegence

class SymblDelegate: SymblRealtimeDelegate {
    func symblRealtimeConnected() { print("Connected") }
    func symblRealtimeDisonnected() { print("Disconncted")}
    func symblReceivedMessage(message: SymblMessage){ print("Message") }
    func symblReceivedMessageResponse(messageResponse:SymblMessageResponse) { print("MessageResponse") }
    func symblReceivedToipcResponse(topicResponse:SymblTopicResponse){ print("TopicResponse") }
    func symblReceivedActionItems(actionItems: [SymblInsight]) { print("Action Items") }
    func symblReceivedQuestions(questions: [SymblInsight]) { print("Questions") }
    func symblReceivedFollowUps(followUps: [SymblInsight]) { print("Follow ups") }

Initialize the realtime session

// Create the delegte to start receiving data
let symblRealtimeDelegate = SymblDelegate()

// Initialize the realtime streaming session
symbl.initializeRealtimeSession(meetingId: uniqueMeetingId, delegate: symblRealtimeDelegate)

// Connect the realtime streaming session

Start request

// Sample iOS request
// Pass in an instance of start request

symbl.realtimeSession.startRequest(startRequest: SymblStartRequest)

You can pass the audio chunks to streamAudio() function and start getting the analytics

symbl.realtimeSession.streamAudio(data: data)

Make sure to stop the connection before closing the streaming session



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