SwiftUI based gatekeeper control plane


A fast GUI for Gatekeeper written in SwiftUI. Adding in features and redesigning the look to fit more of my needs. Also using this as a learning opportunity for Swift as I’m new to it.


Getting Sentinel

Pre-compiled, always up-to-date versions are available from my releases page. (See compilation instructions below)

You might need to run this before opening the app as I don’t have a paid developer account:

sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine "PATH_TO_APP"

Compiling Sentinel

Compiling Sentinel is simple, as it does not have many dependencies.


  • macOS Ventura or newer
  • Xcode 14.2 or newer
  • Git
  • An Apple Developer accout. You don’t need a paid one! Even a free one works perfectly


Before you begin

  1. Enroll your account in the developer program at https://developer.apple.com/
  2. Install Xcode
  3. Add your Developer account to Xcode. To do so, in the Menu bar, click Xcode → Settings, and in the window that opens, click Accounts. You can add your account there
  4. After you add your account, it will appear in the list of Apple IDs on the left od the screen. Select your account there
  5. At the bottom of the screen, click Manage Certificates...
  6. On the bottom left, click the + icon and select Apple Development
  7. When a new item appears in the list called Apple Development Certificates, you can press Done to close the account manager

Compiling Sentinel

  1. Clone this repo using git clone https://github.com/alienator88/Sentinel.git && cd Sentinel && open .
  2. Double-click Sentinel.xcodeproj. Xcode should open the project
  3. In the Menu Bar, click Product → Archive and wait for the building to finish
  4. A new window will open. From the list of Sentinel rows, select the topmost one, and click Distribute App
  5. Click Copy App
  6. Open the resulting folder. You’ll see an app called Sentinel. Drag Sentinel to your /Applications/ folder, and you’re done!


Much appreciation to wynioux for the CLI based version to base this idea on: https://github.com/wynioux/macOS-GateKeeper-Helper


McBrew is licensed under Commons Clause.

This means that McBrew open-source and you can do whatever you want with McBrew’s source, like modifying it, contributing to it etc., but you can’t sell McBrew or modified versions of it.


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