SwiftUI iOS Movie Application which implements the MVC design pattern


SwiftyMovies is a prototype movie database and favoriting app built with SwiftUI. The application implements the MVC design pattern.

I haven’t had much time to work on iOS development with school, so I created this app to break off the rust and get up-to-speed with Xcode 14 and Swift 5.7, as when I last did iOS dev, Xcode 12 had just released.

Getting Started

Clone the repository with this link:


Navigate into the cloned directory:

cd SwiftyMovies  

Now, open Xcode and click as shown below:


Next, open the .xcodeproj folder in root dir:


Now you have the project locally!

I appreciate how SwiftUI takes a declarative approach to building user interfaces. Prototyping the UI becomes quick and easy. I will definitely be building more fully-fleshed apps here soon.

Here’s the resultant application in action! (Gif Demo)



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