SwiftUI-usable WKWebView and UIScrollView with advanced scroll


SwiftUI-usable WKWebView and UIScrollView with advanced scroll

Makes you able to enables / disables the scroll, tracks the current scroll position.

Plus, you can check for the loading state of the webview.


Simple call the AntWebView or AntObservableScrollView and it will be there.

Function AntWebView AntObservableScrollView
Enables / disables the scroll O O
Scroll position tracking O O
Scrolls to specific point X O
Loading completion listening O X

    isScrollable: $scrollEnabled
) { loading, error in
    print("loading status : \(loading)")
    showProgressCircle = loading
} onScroll: { point, isScrollingUp in
    print("Where am I : \(point)")
    print("Am I going up ? : \(isScrollingUp)")
    scrollPosition = point
    minWidth: 0,
    maxWidth: .infinity,
    minHeight: 0,
    maxHeight: .infinity,
    alignment: .center

For the AntObservableScrollView,

AntObservableScrollView(content: { proxy in
    //Contents to be scrolled
    VStack {
}, onScrollChanged: { point in
    print("Where am I : \(point)")
}, isScrollable: $scrollEnabled)



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