The app demonstrates how to use Firebase in a SwiftUI iOS app

Firebase SwiftUIDemo app

This app demonstrates how to use Firebase in a SwiftUI iOS app.

Firebase Setup

  1. Go to
  2. Click new project.
  • Copy app bundle identifier from the top-left file in Xcode.
  1. Create a new iOS app.
  2. Paste app bundle identifier as well as give it a name.

Pods Setup

  1. Open a terminal window in your project’s root.
  2. Type pod init
  3. Click through the steps to add Firebase to your project.
  4. Choose the Firebase libraries you want to use to setup the project.
  1. Open with a text editor the new pod file.
  • vim Podfile
  1. Install the selected libraries
  • pod install
  • Note: if you need to remove pods, then you do that through pod install as well after deleting
    the library from the Podfile

Database Setup

In Firebase, there are two databases available:

  1. Firestore
  2. Realtime

The Firestore database is the latest available database, so we recommend this one, because it builds
on lessons learned from the older Realtime database. See
here for more details on the two.

You create the database in the top-left setting of the Firebase console under Build -> Firestore Database

When you first create the database, you get to choose a location. Note that you cannot change this location
once you create your app. Therefore, choose the location that most closely will serve your users. You can
see all of the available locations here

If you want a database, which goes global, then you should check out FaunaDB.

Database Interaction

We create an instance of the Firebase database within our project. This instance automatically uses our
GoogleService-Info.plist file in order to authenticate with our Firebase app. We must initialize this
database in the init method for our app.

    init() {
        // Create documents below
    func makeReservation() {
        // Reference the Cloud Firestore database
        let db = Firestore.firestore()
        // Access the reservations collection, or creates it, if not already created
        let reservations = db.collection("reservations")
        // Create a document with a given identifier
            "name": "Carol",
            "people": 22
        // Create document with a unique identifier
        reservations.document().setData(["name" : "Tom"])
        // Create document with given data, then assign it to a constant
        let document = reservations.addDocument(data: [
            "name": "Sue",
            "people": 10
        // Work with the document


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