The Gleap Moya plugin intercepts all requests and forwards them to the Gleap SDK


The Gleap Moya plugin intercepts all requests and forwards them to the Gleap SDK.


Swift Package Manager

To get started, open your Xcode project and select File > Add packages…

Now you need to paste the following package URL to the search bar in the top right corner. Hit enter to confirm the search.

Package URL:

Now select the Gleap package and hit Add package to add the Gleap SDK to your project.

Manual installation

Simply copy the GleapMoyaPlugin.swift (Sources/GleapMoyaPlugin) from this repository into your project. In addition to that make sure to install Gleap & Moya.

Using the plugin

After installing the plugin, you can use it by simply declaring it during the initialization of your Moya provider:

let provider = MoyaProvider<SampleType>(plugins: [GleapMoyaPlugin()])

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