Use multiple .sheet, .alert, etc. modifiers in the same SwiftUI View


Use multiple .sheet, .alert, etc. modifiers in the same SwiftUI View


By default, SwiftUI views with multiple modal modifiers (e.g. .sheet, .alert) in the same body will only use the last one in the chain of modifiers and ignore all previous ones.

struct NoMultiModalDemoView: View {
    @State var sheetAPresented = false
    @State var sheetBPresented = false
    @State var sheetCPresented = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 20) {
            Button("Sheet A") { sheetAPresented = true }
            Button("Sheet B") { sheetBPresented = true }
            Button("Sheet C") { sheetCPresented = true }
        .sheet(isPresented: $sheetAPresented) { Text("Sheet A") } // does not work
        .sheet(isPresented: $sheetBPresented) { Text("Sheet B") } // does not work
        .sheet(isPresented: $sheetCPresented) { Text("Sheet C") } // works

MultiModal brings a .multiModal modifier to declare multiple modal modifiers in the same view body.

struct MultiModalDemoView: View {
    @State var sheetAPresented = false
    @State var sheetBPresented = false
    @State var sheetCPresented = false

    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 20) {
            Button("Sheet A") { sheetAPresented = true }
            Button("Sheet B") { sheetBPresented = true }
            Button("Sheet C") { sheetCPresented = true }
        .multiModal {
            $0.sheet(isPresented: $sheetAPresented) { Text("Sheet A") } // works
            $0.sheet(isPresented: $sheetBPresented) { Text("Sheet B") } // works
            $0.sheet(isPresented: $sheetCPresented) { Text("Sheet C") } // works

Try it out!

MultiModal supports Arena to effortlessly test this library in a playground before you decide to take it for a spin in your own project.

Simply install Arena and run arena davdroman/MultiModal --platform ios in your terminal.

Alternatively, a demo Xcode project is provided in the Demo directory.


MultiModal does not enable "nested" modals; it just enables multiple modals appearing within a view body one at a time. For this reason, it's recommended that your modal presentation be dependant on a source of truth that ensures only one of them is presented at any given time.

Hopefully Apple will introduce support for multiple modals in a future iteration of SwiftUI, rendering this library unnecessary.
