Utilities for working with Swift Concurrency


Utilities for working with Swift Concurrency


Conceptually similar to a serial DispatchQueue, but can accept async blocks. Unlike with an unstructured Task, this makes it possible to control the ordering of events. TaskQueue may need to boost priorities to avoid priority inversions.

let queue = TaskQueue()

queue.addOperation {
    await asyncFunction()
    await anotherAsyncFunction()

// These are guaranteed to execute in the order they were submitted.
Task.ordered(priority: .background) {

Task.ordered {

Task.ordered {


Just like a CheckedContinuation, but will automatically resume by throwing if it is deallocated without being resumed manually. This is useful for situations where you cannot guarantee that a closure will be called. An example of such a situation is an XPC call.

try await withCancellingContinutation({ continuation in
    funcThatMightNotInvokeItsCallback(completionHandler: { in

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