VDS Text To Speech


To use VDSTextToSpeech, follow the simple steps

  1. drag VDSTextToSpeech to your project.

  2. create a variable for easy access to VDSTextToSpeech

     let vds = VDSTextToSpeech.shared
  3. give the message to be read.

     vds.text = "welcome to VDS Text to speech module. Hope you enjoy"
  4. speak() : to make VDSTextToSpeech read the message

    stopSpeech() : to stop reading

    pauseSpeech() : to pause reading (to resume call speak() again)

  5. to get callbacks and progress, add VDSTextToSpeech delegate to class

     class ViewController: UIViewController,VDSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate {
     vds.speechSynthesizerDelegate = self
     //MARK:- VDSSpeechSynthesizerDelegate
     func speechSynthesizerProgress(_ progress: Float, attributedText: NSMutableAttributedString) {
         messageLabel.attributedText = attributedText
         progressView.progress = progress
     func speechSynthesizerDidStart() {
     func speechSynthesizerDidFinish() {
