Weather forecast app that allows the user to either look for weather at their current location

⛅️ Cloudy

Weather forecast app that allows the user to either look for weather at their current location based on the GPS data or search for another city manually.

I have used Core Location to acquire user location and provide weather forecast for their current location. This is done automatically when the app launches but can also be obtained by clicking the location button on the left side of the search bar.

The user can also search for any location using the search functionality.

The UI is updated according to the weather (similar to Apple’s Weather app)

Built using Open Weather API and MVC design pattern.

I am currently working on a SwiftUI version of this app to practice using MVVM design pattern.

Project Setup

In order to run this app successfully, you will need an API Key from Open Weather. If you do not have an account, you can sign up for a free API key at

Clone the project and create a file under project directory and add;

let apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"

All done, you can now run the project.



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