XRepository: lightweight implementation of Repository pattern in Swift
XRepository is based on QBRepository by QuickBirds Studios. It is lightweight implementation of Repository pattern in Swift.
?? Getting started
Cornerstone of this project is Repository
protocol Repository {
associatedtype Model
func getAll() -> AnyRandomAccessCollection<Model>
func getElement<Id>(withId id: Id) -> Model?
func getElements(filteredBy filter: Query<Model>?, sortedBy sortKeyPath: ComparableKeyPath<Model>?, distinctUsing distinctMode: HashableKeyPath<Model>?) -> AnyRandomAccessCollection<Model>
func create(_ model: Model) -> RepositoryEditResult<Model>
func create(_ models: [Model]) -> RepositoryEditResult<[Model]>
func update(_ model: Model) -> RepositoryEditResult<Model>
func delete(_ model: Model) -> Error?
func delete(_ models: [Model]) -> Error?
func deleteAll() -> Error?
func performTranscation(_ transaction: () -> Void) -> Error?
Than you have AnyRepository
class to abstragate implementation of Repository
from its consumers. AnyRepository
has the same semantic as its interface.
final class AnyRepository<Model>: Repository {
init <A: Repository>(_ repository: A) where A.Model == Model { ... }
? Usage
XRepository provides implementations for popular storages from-the-box:
, RealmRepository
, FileSystemRepository
, but you can create your own implementation.
Usage is simple:
class ChurchesViewModel {
let churchesRepository: AnyRepository<Church>
let churchesStorage = AnyRepository(UserDefaultsRepository<Church>())
let churchesViewModel = ChurchesViewModel(churchesRepository: churchesStorage)
⚡️ Rx
XRepository supports reactive wrapper over AnyRepository
extension AnyRepository {
var rx: RxRepository<Model> {
return RxRepository(self)
class RxRepository<Model> {
let base: AnyRepository<Model>
init(_ base: AnyRepository<Model>) {
self.base = base
func getAll() -> Single<AnyRandomAccessCollection<Model>> {
return Single.create(subscribe: { single -> Disposable in
let models = self.base.getAll()
return Disposables.create()
If you want a pure reactive repository implementations for popular storages, check my latest project: ReactiveXRepository
? Author
This framework is created by Sashko Potapov.
? License
XCoordinator is released under an MIT license. See License.md for more information.