ZEE5 iOS Monorepo

ZEE5 iOS Monorepo

Build guide

You need to do all the steps in prerequisites just the first time. After that your machine should be already configured and ready to go.


Installing Homebrew

This guide assumes you already have Homebrew installed on your machine. If you don’t, please install it by following instructions on the website: https://brew.sh/

Installing Xcode

The app requires Xcode version 11.6 which is the most recent one available on the App Store. You can also download the installer from Apple website. Please download and install it and run it for the first time.

Installing CocoaPods

If you don’t already have it, install the most recent version of CocoaPods.

brew install cocoapods

Downloading and building the project

Clone the repository and proceed with further steps inside of the cloned directory.

Preparing project

Install Pods.

pod install


Next open the .xcworkspace and build the project as usually.

open Zapp-App.xcworkspace


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