Alternative VK client for the iOS platform

On a note

? This is not the official VK source code ?
? One application for iOS and iPadOS ?
? Fully written in Swift and doesn’t contain any Objective-C code ?
? Very simple interface, made with care about those who will use it ?
⛑ Fully strong typed that you can not shoot yourself in the leg ⛑
? High code quality with lot of unit tests, linter integration and CI ?
? Frequent updates and bug fixes ?
? LongPoll support ?


  • Swift 5.0 +
  • XcodeGen 2.25.0 +
  • Xcode 10.0 +

Getting started

Generate Xcode project

To generate Xcode project (.xcodeproj) file you must install XcodeGen and then run the following command in terminal

$ xcodegen


Where can I obtain a token to launch the application?


VK is released under the MIT license.
See LICENSE for details.