SwiftUI Circular Control

A custom circular progress bar made in SwiftUI.


  • Highly customizable
  • Animatable
  • Updated to the latest syntax


  1. Install via Swift Package Manager
  2. Create a PZCircularControlParams object to configure the style of your control (optional)
  3. Instanciate a PZCircularControl and pass in the params

Basic example

        innerBackgroundColor: Color.clear,
        outerBackgroundColor: Color.gray.opacity(0.5),
        tintColor: LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [.red, .orange]), startPoint: .topLeading, endPoint: .bottomTrailing)

This produces the following output:


The params object's instance data can be modified and animated. For example, the following code animates the control to the 35% state when the button is tapped:

PZExampleButton(label: "35%", font: .headline) { 
    withAnimation(.easeInOut(duration: 1.0)) { 
        control.params.progress = CGFloat(0.35) 

More examples

Dark background (see cover image)

        innerBackgroundColor: Color.black,
        outerBackgroundColor: Color.black,
        tintColor: LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [.yellow, .pink]), startPoint: .bottomLeading, endPoint: .topLeading),
        textColor: .orange,
        barWidth: 24.0,
        glowDistance: 15.0,
        initialValue: CGFloat(Float.random(in: 0...1))

Purple text and gradient fill

        innerBackgroundColor: Color.clear,
        outerBackgroundColor: Color.gray.opacity(0.5),
        tintColor: LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [.blue, .purple]), startPoint: .bottomLeading, endPoint: .topLeading),
        textColor: .purple,
        barWidth: 30.0,
        glowDistance: 30.0,
        initialValue: CGFloat(Float.random(in: 0...1))



PZCircularControlParams object is accessible through the params instance field of a PZCircularControl. Any change to the instance will be reflected on the control automatically, without the need to refresh it or reload any data.

Some customization options include:

  • progress (accessible via <<yourControlInstance>>.params.progress) – the current progress the control displays (from 0.0 to 1.0, as CGFloat).
  • glowDistance – the radius of the glow effect around the control (CGFloat). Set to 0.0 to remove the glow.
  • barWidth – the width of the stroke of the control.
  • textColor – the progress label color (as SwiftUI Color).
  • font – the progress label font (as SwiftUI Font).
  • innerBackgroundColor – the color of the inner part of your control (inner radius). Has to conform to ShapeStyle (ie. anything from Color to Gradient).
  • outerBackgroundColor – the color of the active part's background. Has to conform to ShapeStyle (ie. anything from Color to Gradient).
  • tintColor – the tint color of the active area of your control. Has to conform to ShapeStyle (ie. anything from Color to Gradient).
  • textFormatter – an optional closure that takes in a CGFloat value of the current progress between 0.0 and 1.0 and returns formatted text that will be displayed in the center of the progress bar.

