
Coolog is a expandable and flexible log framework for iOS. It provides a browser logging tool that can replace xcode console.


  • Simple Coolog has a simple usage. We make it as simple as possible to setup Coolog. Also, we provides some simplified methods of basic function.

  • Flexible Coolog provides multiple log methods (Console, NSLog and File) and log-level.

  • Expandable You can even customize your own logger and formatter, which are components of log-driver. Then your customized log-driver can also be added to log-engine. Do whatever you want in your customized logger.

  • Web Browser Tool Coolog provides a web browser tool, which makes it easy to debug. You just need to open a computer with a browser to debug the program. This is really convenient.




pod 'Coolog'





[[COLLogManager sharedInstance] setup];
[[COLLogManager sharedInstance] enableFileLog];  // open file log
[[COLLogManager sharedInstance] enableConsoleLog];  // open xcode console log
//    [[COLLogManager sharedInstance] enableNSLog];
#ifdef DEBUG
    [COLLogManager sharedInstance].level = COLLogLevelAll;
    [COLLogManager sharedInstance].level = COLLogLevelInfo;


CLogError(@"tag", @"%@", @"log content");
CLogWarning(@"tag", @"%@", @"log content");
CLogInfo(@"tag", @"%@", @"log content");
CLogDefault(@"tag", @"%@", @"log content");
CLogDebug(@"tag", @"%@", @"log content");

Web Browser Tool

[[COLLogManager sharedInstance] enableRemoteConsole];

Make sure your pc and your phone under the same wifi. Open your web browser and visit []


The section below will introduce how to customize your own logger. You can follow 3 steps below.

  • Step 1: Implement your own logger.
#import "COLLogger.h"
@interface MyLogger : NSObject <COLLogger>

#import "MyLogger.h"
#import <os/log.h>

@implementation MyLogger
@synthesize formatterClass = _formatterClass;

+ (instancetype)logger {
    return [[MyLogger alloc] init];

// This is your own log method. It will be called by log engine. 
- (void)log:(NSString *)logString {
	//For example, here below uses os_log as its implementation.
    os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%{public}s", [logString UTF8String]);
  • Step 2: Implement your own formatter.
#import "COLLogFormatter.h"

@interface MyLogFormatter : NSObject <COLFormatable>

#import "MyLogFormatter.h"

@implementation MyLogFormatter
// The log's format depends on this method.
- (NSString *)completeLogWithType:(COLLogType)type tag:(NSString *)tag message:(NSString *)message date:(NSDate *)date {
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"tag=[%@], type=[%zd], message=[%@], date=[%@]", tag, type, message, date];
  • Step 3: Add your logger to log engine.
COLLoggerDriver *myDriver = [[COLLoggerDriver alloc] initWithLogger:[MyLogger logger]
                                                              formatter:[[MyLogFormatter alloc] init]
[[COLLogManager sharedInstance].logEngine addDriver:myDriver];


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • Search and filter function in web browser tool
  • Web browser Tool UI
  • Performance
  • Unit test
  • Swift version

Author, [email protected]
