SicBo (Tai xiu) is a famous well-known game in casino specifically in China and VietNam. Sicbo is simple, basic, easy to learn for beginner and fun to play
? How To Play
You insert the amount of chip into the betting table which has multiples of scenarios such as Odd, Even, Dice, Triple Dices, etc Press Spin button and if the scenario happens you win an amount of money The amount of money is determined by the easy/ hard mode of the game which can be pressed in the game scene Have fun
? Main Menu View
? Game View
? LeaderBoard View
? Components
- Navigation View, Navigation Link
- AVAudioPlayer
? Build Information
- XCode 13.4.1
- SwiftUI Framework
- Targetting IOS => 15.5
- Work best for Iphone 13 Pro Max
✍️ Author
- Bui Thanh Huy –
- Linkedin – https”//