
A nifty command line tool to manage macOS icons

iconset is a new command line tool for macOS that allows you to change icons for macOS apps (excluding system ones of course).
It is still in its early stages and as time goes on, more customization schemes will be arriving with later releases.


In the future, I plan to set this up on brew, but for now the following command should work:
curlhttps://github.com/tale/iconset/releases/download/v0.1-alpha.1/iconset-Lo /usr/local/bin/iconset
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/iconset


Coming soon, for now just reference them by running iconset --help

Current Options

  • Specifying an icon and an application file to theme
  • Specifying the directory where Applications are stored (defaults to /Applications)
  • Specifying a folder of .icns files who's names match their respective icons

Coming Soon

  • Advanced manifest file which lets you map .icns files to .app files directly
  • Recursive directory search for applications and icons
  • Better permission handling for root
  • Accompanying status bar app for macOS with automation and easy config UI


Building is simple when using Xcode (however this requires Swift 5.5 and Xcode 13 beta).
If you encounter issues with Xcode, run swift build in the project root to build a debug binary.
For release binaries, instead run swift build -c release --arch arm64 --arch x86_64 in the project root

