A package designed to make animations between different view controllers as simple as possible!
?️ Installation
Supported Platforms
iOS is the only platform supported for now This package has only been tested for storyboard – SwiftUI has not been tested
Install Using Swift Package Manager (Recommended Method)
- First open your project in Xcode and then for Xcode 12, navigate to File → Swift Packages → Add Package Dependency… or for Xcode 13, navigate to Files → Add Package
- Paste the repository URL ( and click the next button
- For version, verify it’s up to next major version
- Click finish
- You’re all set, and thank you for using ImprovedAnimations!
? Code Examples
? Slide Animation
import ImprovedAnimations
ImprovedAnimations.slideAnimation(view: view, direction: "right", time: 0.3, destination: "ViewControllerToPresent")
- View: current view (don’t change this value!)
- Direction: direction the animation comes from (values include “left”, “right”, “top”, “bottom”)
- Time: time the animation will take to complete (value is in a float form)
- Destination: the view controller to be presented (pass the view controller’s storyboard identifier for this value)
? Fade Animation
import ImprovedAnimations
ImprovedAnimations.fadeAnimation(view: view, time: 0.3, destination: "ViewControllerToPresent")
- View: current view (don’t change this value!)
- Time: time the animation will take to complete (value is in a float form)
- Destination: the view controller to be presented (pass the view controller’s storyboard identifier for this value)