IMPORTANT! We don’t see any way how to make web development as great as Ruby on Rails or Django with a very static nature of current Swift. We hope that things will change at some point and we will return to active development.


A Ruby on Rails inspired Web Framework for Swift that runs on Linux and OS X.

Build Status Linux Mac OS X Swift 2 compatible MIT license codebeat badge

Getting Started

  • Install Development snapshot version from or via swiftenv. If you are on OSX I highly recommend swiftenv – latest Swift will be able to coexist with system wide Swift that comes with Xcode.
  • swift --version should show something like: Swift version 3.0-dev ...
  • Checkout TodoApp example project.
  • Run swift build inside app (most of dependencies throw deprecation warnings).
  • Run ./.build/debug/Swifton-TodoApp.
  • Open in your browser.


Contributions are more than welcome! The easiest way to start contributing to Swifton:

  • Setup TodoApp
  • Pick one issue from the issues list or propose enhancement.
  • You can find Swifton source code in Swifton-TodoApp/Packages/Swifton-<version> directory. Packages inside Packages directory comes with Git repository so feel free to do you changes there.
  • Compile and test TodoApp, this will help to check your changes and avoid regressions.
  • Write tests and run it swift build && swift test (run rm -r Packages/*/Tests inside Swifton folder if tests crashes)
  • Commit and push your changes, open pull request.
  • Enjoy ?


Swifton comes with ready to use Router, also you can use any router as long as it accepts Request and returns Response. Routes are defined in main.swift file. Configured Router is passed to S4 interface supporting server. Router allows to define resources and regular routes.

let router = Router.create { route in
  route.resources("todos", controller: TodosController())

Which is equivalent to:

let router = Router()
router.get("/todos/new", TodosController()["new"])
router.get("/todos/{id}", TodosController()["show"])
router.get("/todos/{id}/edit", TodosController()["edit"])
router.get("/todos", TodosController()["index"])"/todos", TodosController()["create"])
router.delete("/todos/{id}", TodosController()["destroy"])
router.patch("/todos/{id}", TodosController()["update"])

Configured routes then are passed to application server.

serve { request in


A controller inherits from ApplicationController class, which inherits from Controller class. Action is a closure that accepts Request object and returns Response object.

class TodosController: ApplicationController { 
    // shared todo variable used to pass value between setTodo filter and actions
    var todo: Todo?    
    override func controller() {
    // sets before filter setTodo only for specified actions.
    beforeAction("setTodo", only: ["show", "edit", "update", "destroy"])

    // render all Todo instances with Index template (in Views/Todos/Index.html.stencil)
    action("index") { request in
        let todos = ["todos": Todo.allAttributes()]
        return render("Todos/Index", todos)

    // render Todo instance that was set in before filter
    action("show") { request in
        return render("Todos/Show", self.todo)

    // render static New template
    action("new") { request in
        return render("Todos/New")

    // render Todo instance's edit form
    action("edit") { request in
        return render("Todos/Edit", self.todo)

    // create new Todo instance and redirect to list of Todos 
    action("create") { request in
        return redirectTo("/todos")
    // update Todo instance and redirect to updated Todo instance
    action("update") { request in
        return redirectTo("/todos/\(self.todo!.id)")

    // destroy Todo instance
    action("destroy") { request in
        return redirectTo("/todos")

    // set todo shared variable to actions can use it
    filter("setTodo") { request in
        // Redirect to "/todos" list if Todo instance is not found 
        guard let t = Todo.find(request.params["id"]) else { return self.redirectTo("/todos") } 
        self.todo = t as? Todo
        // Run next filter or action


Controller Responders

respondTo allows to define multiple responders based client Accept header:

action("show") { request in
    return respondTo(request, [
        "html": { render("Todos/Show", self.todo) },
        "json": { renderJSON(self.todo) }

Controller Filters

Swifton Controllers support beforeAction and afterAction filters, which run filters before or after action correspodingly. Filter is a closure that returns Response?. Controller proceeds execution only if filter returns (which is actually nil), otherwise it returns Response object and doesn’t proceed execution of other filters and action.

filter("setTodo") { request in
    // Redirect to "/todos" list if Todo instance is not found
    guard let t = Todo.find(request.params["id"]) else { return self.redirectTo("/todos") }
    self.todo = t as? Todo
    // Run next filter or action


Swifton is ORM agnostic web framework. You can use any ORM of your choice. Swifton comes with simple in-memory MemoryModel class that you can inherit and use for your apps. Simple as this:

class User: MemoryModel {


User.all.count // 0
var user = User.create(["name": "Saulius", "surname": "Grigaitis"])
User.all.count // 1
user["name"] // "Saulius"
user["surname"] // "Grigaitis"
user.update(["name": "James", "surname": "Bond"])
user["surname"] // "Bond"
User.all.count // 0

Few options if you need persistence:


Swifton supports Mustache like templates via Stencil template language. View is rendered with controller’s method render(template_path, object). Object needs either to conform to HTMLRenderable protocol, either be [String: Any] type where Any allows to pass complex structures.

<div class="highlight highlight-text-html-basic position-relative" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content="

{% for todo in todos %}

{{ todo.title }} {{ todo.completed }} Show Edit Destroy

{% endfor %}


  {% for todo in todos %}
      <td>{{ todo.title }}</td>
      <td>{{ todo.completed }}</td>
      <td><a href="/todos/{{ }}">Show</a></td>
      <td><a href="/todos/{{ }}/edit">Edit</a></td>
      <td><a data-confirm="Are you sure?" rel="nofollow" data-method="delete" href="/todos/{{ }}">Destroy</a></td>
  {% endfor %}