A sample project that displays a user profile and a list of purchases.
User Profile:
Purchase History:
Design File:
User Stories:
Profile Screen
As a user who has finished launching the application, I want to see a Profile Screen depicting my profile data.
As a user on the Profile Screen, I want to be able to tap on the View Purchases button to navigate to the Purchases Screen.
Purchases Screen
As a user on the Purchases Screen, I want to see my purchases as a list, displaying item name, purchase date, and price.
As a user on the Purchases Screen, I want to be able to tap on a purchase to expand the view and see additional information about that purchase.
As a user on the Purchases Screen, I want to be able to navigate back to the Profile Screen.
Metrics your project will be scored on:
Application demonstrates applicant’s attention to detail and knowledge of immutability, design patterns, data structures, architecture, RestAPI, dependency management, unit testing, scalability, complexity, and concurrency.
Use existing frameworks and APIs to save time (don’t reinvent the wheel).
The user stories and designs may contain ambiguities. Use your best judgement.