
A very simple solution to show a toast message by writing single one line of code.


easySwiftToast is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'easySwiftToast'


import easySwiftToast


// A simple and easy method to show a toast message 
   let message = "This is example of easy toast"
   showEasyToast(message: message)
// you can also use custom method to show a toast message 
   showEasyToast(message: message, backroundColor: UIColor.red, textColor: UIColor.yellow, duration: 2)
// Fiedls are optionals , you can skip or use according to your need
   showEasyToast(message: message, backroundColor: UIColor.red)
   showEasyToast(message: message,  duration: 2)


// A simple and easy method to show a Snackbar message 
   let message = "This is example of easy toast"
   showEasySnackBar(message: message)
// you can also use custom method to show a Snackbar message 
   showEasySnackBar(message: message, backroundColor: UIColor.red, textColor: UIColor.yellow, duration: 2)
// Fiedls are optionals , you can skip or use according to your need
   showEasySnackBar(message: message, backroundColor: UIColor.red)
   showEasySnackBar(message: message,  duration: 2)


wajeehulhassan, wajeeh661@gmail.com


easySwiftToast is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


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