SwiftyTailwind ?

SwiftyTailwind is a Swift Package to lazily download and run the Tailwind CLI from a Swift project (e.g. Vapor app or Publish project).


First, you need to add SwiftyTailwind as a dependency in your project’s Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/tuist/SwiftyTailwind.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.1.0"))

Once added, you’ll create an instance of SwiftyTailwind specifying the version you’d like to use and where you’d like it to be downloaded.

let tailwind = SwiftyTailwind(version: .latest, directory: "./cache")

If you don’t pass any argument, it defaults to the latest version in the system’s default temporary directory. If you work in a team, we recommend fixing the version to minimize non-determinism across environments.

Initializing a tailwind.config.js

You can create a tailwind.config.js configuration file by running the initialize function on the SwiftyTailwind instance:

try await tailwind.initialize()

Check out all the available options in the documentation.

Running Tailwind

To run Tailwind against a project, you can use the run function:

try await subject.run(input: inputCSSPath, output: outputCSSPath, options: .content("views/**/*.html"))

If you’d like Tailwind to keep watching for file changes, you can pass the .watch option:

try await subject.run(input: inputCSSPath, 
                      output: outputCSSPath, 
                      options: .watch, .content("views/**/*.html"))

Check out all the available options in the documentation.

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