
An app to track who you meet at conferences.

In the me view, after entering a name and an email, the app generates a QR code to share your information with other people.

The app has four tabs. Everyone’s view shows all your prospects; the contacted view shows only the people you mark as contacted; the uncontacted view shows the remaining people. If you mark a person as contacted in the Everyone view, an icon appears in the people row you marked. You can set a notification for uncontacted people; it works as a reminder.

By sliding from left to right on a row, you can delete a prospect. Sliding from right to left allows you to enable notification or mark someone as contacted or uncontacted.

With a long press on a QR code, you can save the QR to the gallery.

Is it possible to sort the prospects by date (latest first) or by name (A-Z)?

Sata are saved in a JSON file in the app document directory, and the MeView textfield string is saved in the UserDefaults

This app was created with only two views. The Me view and the prospects view The last one is used for all three other views (everyone, contacted, and uncontacted).



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