An elegant selection list or dropdown menu for iOS with single or multiple selections.
- Single and Multiple selection.
- Show menu with presentation styles like Present, Push, Popover, Formsheet, Alert, Actionsheet
- Set UITableViewCell types like Basic, Subtitle, Right Detail
- Set UITableViewCell selection style Tickmark or Checkbox
- Search Items from the list
- Works with Custom UITableViewCells
- Works with Custom model classes and structs
- Set Maximum selection limit
- Provide Empty data set text
- Provide header row as Empty, All, None or Custom Text
- Customizable design for UINavigationBar and UISearchBar
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.
You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:
To integrate RSSelectionMenu into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
Then follow below steps:
- Run
carthage update
to build the framework. - Set Framework search path in target build settings : Build Settings -> Framework Search Paths :
- Add RSSelectionMenu.framework in
Embedded Binaries
. - Add RSSelectionMenu.framework in
Linked Frameworks and Libraries
Simple Selection List
Multiple Selection List
- Set Maximum selection limit (Optional)
Cell Selection Style
Presentation Style - Formsheet, Popover, Alert, Actionsheet
Auto Dismissal
Prevent auto dismissal for single selection
Event Handlers
On Dismiss
On WillAppear
- You'll get notified via handler, when user starts typing in searchbar.
Cell Style - Right Detail or Sub Title
Custom Cells
- Provide custom cell with xib file name and cell identifier.
Header Row - Empty, None, All, or Custom
Empty Data String
DataSource - Codable Objects, NSObject Subclasses or Dictionary Array
- Implement UniquePropertyDelegate protocol to model class or structure.
UI Customization
- Set Title, BarButton Titles, TintColor, and Title Color
- Set Placeholder, Tint Color
See Example for more details.