YPImagePicker is an instagram-like photo/video picker for iOS written in pure Swift. It comes with adjustable square crop and filters.
Give it a quick try :
pod repo update
then pod try YPImagePicker
? Library - ? Photo - ? Video - ✂️ Crop - ⚡️ Flash - ? Filters
Those features are available just with a few lines of code!
YPImagePicker was built from the great Fusuma library.
Here are the improvements we added :
- Albums
- Filters
- Videos in the library
- Both Square and non-square images
- Permission managenent
- Pan between tabs which feels smoother
- Improve Overall Code Quality
- Simplify API
- Replaces icons with lighter Text
- Preselect Front camera (e.g for avatars)
- Replaces Delegate based with callbacks based api
- Uses Native Navigation bar over custom View (gotta be a good UIKit citizen)
- Faster library load
- Hidden status bar for a more immersive XP
- Flash Auto mode
- Video Torch Mode
- iPhone X support
Drop in the Classes folder to your Xcode project.
You can also use CocoaPods or Carthage.
Using CocoaPods
First be sure to run pod repo update
to get the latest version available.
Add pod 'YPImagePicker'
to your Podfile
and run pod install
. Also add use_frameworks!
to the Podfile
target 'MyApp'
pod 'YPImagePicker'
Using Carthage
Add github "Yummypets/YPImagePicker"
to your Cartfile
and run carthage update
. If unfamiliar with Carthage then checkout their Getting Started section.
github "Yummypets/YPImagePicker"
Plist entries
In order for your app to access camera and photo libraries,
you'll need to ad these plist entries
- Privacy - Camera Usage Description (photo/videos)
- Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description (library)
- Privacy - Microphone Usage Description (videos)
Default Configuration
import YPImagePicker
then use the following:
Supported languages out of the box:
- English
- Spanish
- French
- Russian
- Dutch
- Brazilian
- Turkish
If your language is not supported, you can still customize the wordings via the configuration.wordings
Better yet you can submit an issue or pull request with your Localizable.strings
file to add a new language !