
BlueSky is an iOS app that displays weather data from any city around the world taken from two separate APIs.

APIs Used

OpenWeatherMap Current Weather Data

OpenWeatherMap 5 Day Weather Forecast


Contents are displayed as followed, this example the user gives Seattle, WA



This app also contains an adaptive background, which changes based on whether it is day or night at the city the user gives. Example is Oslo, Norway.


These examples are displayed on an iPhone 11, however it works for all iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch models.

Display Contents

  • Current temperature for the location
  • Current high and low temperatures for the location
  • Location name
  • Current forecast image for the location
  • Current forecast description for the location
  • Temperatures for the next 12 hours in 3-hour intervals
  • Forecast images for the next 12 hours in 3-hour intervals
  • High and low temperatures for the next four days
  • Forecast images for the next four days
  • Time of sunrise (local time)
  • Time of sunset (local time)
  • Adaptive background based on time of day


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