Swift5 API client for OpenAPIClient
Twitter API v2 available endpoints
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 2.30
- Package version:
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.Swift5ClientCodegen
For more information, please visit https://developer.twitter.com/
Run carthage update
Run pod install
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://api.twitter.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ComplianceAPI | createBatchComplianceJob | POST /2/compliance/jobs | Create compliance job |
ComplianceAPI | getBatchComplianceJob | GET /2/compliance/jobs/{id} | Get compliance job |
ComplianceAPI | listBatchComplianceJobs | GET /2/compliance/jobs | List compliance jobs |
GeneralAPI | getOpenApiSpec | GET /2/openapi.json | Returns the open api spec document. |
ListsAPI | getUserListMemberships | GET /2/users/{id}/list_memberships | Get a User’s List Memberships |
ListsAPI | listAddMember | POST /2/lists/{id}/members | Add a List member |
ListsAPI | listIdCreate | POST /2/lists | Create List |
ListsAPI | listIdDelete | DELETE /2/lists/{id} | Delete List |
ListsAPI | listIdGet | GET /2/lists/{id} | List lookup by List ID |
ListsAPI | listIdUpdate | PUT /2/lists/{id} | Update List |
ListsAPI | listRemoveMember | DELETE /2/lists/{id}/members/{user_id} | Remove a List member |
ListsAPI | listUserFollow | POST /2/users/{id}/followed_lists | Follow a List |
ListsAPI | listUserOwnedLists | GET /2/users/{id}/owned_lists | Get a User’s Owned Lists |
ListsAPI | listUserPin | POST /2/users/{id}/pinned_lists | Pin a List |
ListsAPI | listUserPinnedLists | GET /2/users/{id}/pinned_lists | Get a User’s Pinned Lists |
ListsAPI | listUserUnfollow | DELETE /2/users/{id}/followed_lists/{list_id} | Unfollow a List |
ListsAPI | listUserUnpin | DELETE /2/users/{id}/pinned_lists/{list_id} | Unpin a List |
ListsAPI | userFollowedLists | GET /2/users/{id}/followed_lists | Get User’s Followed Lists |
SpacesAPI | findSpaceById | GET /2/spaces/{id} | Space lookup by Space ID |
SpacesAPI | findSpacesByCreatorIds | GET /2/spaces/by/creator_ids | Space lookup by their creators |
SpacesAPI | findSpacesByIds | GET /2/spaces | Space lookup up Space IDs |
SpacesAPI | searchSpaces | GET /2/spaces/search | Search for Spaces |
SpacesAPI | spaceBuyers | GET /2/spaces/{id}/buyers | Retrieve the list of users who purchased a ticket to the given space |
TweetsAPI | addOrDeleteRules | POST /2/tweets/search/stream/rules | Add/Delete rules |
TweetsAPI | createTweet | POST /2/tweets | Creation of a Tweet |
TweetsAPI | deleteTweetById | DELETE /2/tweets/{id} | Tweet delete by Tweet ID |
TweetsAPI | findTweetById | GET /2/tweets/{id} | Tweet lookup by Tweet ID |
TweetsAPI | findTweetsById | GET /2/tweets | Tweet lookup by Tweet IDs |
TweetsAPI | getRules | GET /2/tweets/search/stream/rules | Rules lookup |
TweetsAPI | hideReplyById | PUT /2/tweets/{id}/hidden | Hide replies |
TweetsAPI | listsIdTweets | GET /2/lists/{id}/tweets | List Tweets timeline by List ID |
TweetsAPI | sampleStream | GET /2/tweets/sample/stream | Sample stream |
TweetsAPI | searchStream | GET /2/tweets/search/stream | Filtered stream |
TweetsAPI | spaceBuyers | GET /2/spaces/{id}/buyers | Retrieve the list of users who purchased a ticket to the given space |
TweetsAPI | tweetCountsFullArchiveSearch | GET /2/tweets/counts/all | Full archive search counts |
TweetsAPI | tweetCountsRecentSearch | GET /2/tweets/counts/recent | Recent search counts |
TweetsAPI | tweetsFullarchiveSearch | GET /2/tweets/search/all | Full-archive search |
TweetsAPI | tweetsRecentSearch | GET /2/tweets/search/recent | Recent search |
TweetsAPI | usersIdLike | POST /2/users/{id}/likes | Causes the user (in the path) to like the specified tweet |
TweetsAPI | usersIdLikedTweets | GET /2/users/{id}/liked_tweets | Returns Tweet objects liked by the provided User ID |
TweetsAPI | usersIdMentions | GET /2/users/{id}/mentions | User mention timeline by User ID |
TweetsAPI | usersIdRetweets | POST /2/users/{id}/retweets | Causes the user (in the path) to retweet the specified tweet |
TweetsAPI | usersIdTweets | GET /2/users/{id}/tweets | User Tweets timeline by User ID |
TweetsAPI | usersIdUnlike | DELETE /2/users/{id}/likes/{tweet_id} | Causes the user (in the path) to unlike the specified tweet |
TweetsAPI | usersIdUnretweets | DELETE /2/users/{id}/retweets/{source_tweet_id} | Causes the user (in the path) to unretweet the specified tweet |
UsersAPI | findUserById | GET /2/users/{id} | User lookup by ID |
UsersAPI | findUserByUsername | GET /2/users/by/username/{username} | User lookup by username |
UsersAPI | findUsersById | GET /2/users | User lookup by IDs |
UsersAPI | findUsersByUsername | GET /2/users/by | User lookup by usernames |
UsersAPI | listGetFollowers | GET /2/lists/{id}/followers | Returns user objects that follow a List by the provided List ID |
UsersAPI | listGetMembers | GET /2/lists/{id}/members | Returns user objects that are members of a List by the provided List ID |
UsersAPI | tweetsIdLikingUsers | GET /2/tweets/{id}/liking_users | Returns user objects that have liked the provided Tweet ID |
UsersAPI | tweetsIdRetweetingUsers | GET /2/tweets/{id}/retweeted_by | Returns user objects that have retweeted the provided Tweet ID |
UsersAPI | usersIdBlock | POST /2/users/{id}/blocking | Block User by User ID |
UsersAPI | usersIdBlocking | GET /2/users/{id}/blocking | Returns user objects that are blocked by provided user ID |
UsersAPI | usersIdFollow | POST /2/users/{id}/following | Follow User |
UsersAPI | usersIdFollowers | GET /2/users/{id}/followers | Returns user objects that follow the provided user ID |
UsersAPI | usersIdFollowing | GET /2/users/{id}/following | Following by User ID |
UsersAPI | usersIdMute | POST /2/users/{id}/muting | Mute User by User ID |
UsersAPI | usersIdMuting | GET /2/users/{id}/muting | Returns user objects that are muted by the provided user ID |
UsersAPI | usersIdUnblock | DELETE /2/users/{source_user_id}/blocking/{target_user_id} | Unblock User by User ID |
UsersAPI | usersIdUnfollow | DELETE /2/users/{source_user_id}/following/{target_user_id} | Unfollow User |
UsersAPI | usersIdUnmute | DELETE /2/users/{source_user_id}/muting/{target_user_id} | Unmute User by User ID |
Documentation For Models
- AddOrDeleteRulesRequest
- AddOrDeleteRulesResponse
- AddRulesRequest
- AddRulesResponse
- AnimatedGif
- AnimatedGifAllOf
- CashtagEntity
- CashtagFields
- ClientDisconnectedProblem
- ClientDisconnectedProblemAllOf
- ClientForbiddenProblem
- ClientForbiddenProblemAllOf
- CommonMediaFields
- ComplianceJob
- ComplianceJobStatus
- ComplianceJobType
- ConflictProblem
- ConflictProblemAllOf
- ConnectionExceptionProblem
- ConnectionExceptionProblemAllOf
- ContextAnnotation
- ContextAnnotationDomainFields
- ContextAnnotationEntityFields
- DeleteRulesRequest
- DeleteRulesRequestDelete
- DeleteRulesResponse
- DisallowedResourceProblem
- DisallowedResourceProblemAllOf
- DuplicateRuleProblem
- DuplicateRuleProblemAllOf
- EntityIndicesInclusiveExclusive
- EntityIndicesInclusiveInclusive
- Expansions
- FieldUnauthorizedProblem
- FieldUnauthorizedProblemAllOf
- FilteredStreamingTweet
- FilteredStreamingTweetOneOf
- FilteredStreamingTweetOneOfMatchingRules
- FullTextEntities
- GenericMultipleUsersLookupResponse
- GenericMultipleUsersLookupResponseMeta
- GenericProblem
- GenericProblemAllOf
- GenericTweetsTimelineResponse
- GenericTweetsTimelineResponseMeta
- Geo
- Granularity
- HashtagEntity
- HashtagFields
- InlineObject
- InlineObject1
- InlineObject2
- InlineObject3
- InlineObject4
- InlineObject5
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse2002
- InlineResponse2002Meta
- InvalidRequestProblem
- InvalidRequestProblemAllOf
- InvalidRequestProblemAllOfErrors
- InvalidRuleProblem
- InvalidRuleProblemAllOf
- List
- ListAddMemberRequest
- ListCreateRequest
- ListCreateResponse
- ListDeleteResponse
- ListDeleteResponseData
- ListFollowRequest
- ListFollowedResponse
- ListFollowedResponseData
- ListLookupMultipleUsersLookupResponse
- ListLookupMultipleUsersLookupResponseMeta
- ListMemberResponse
- ListMemberResponseData
- ListPinRequest
- ListPinnedResponse
- ListPinnedResponseData
- ListUpdateRequest
- ListUpdateResponse
- ListUpdateResponseData
- Media
- MentionEntity
- MentionFields
- Model2TweetsGeo
- Model2TweetsMedia
- Model2TweetsPoll
- Model2TweetsReply
- ModelError
- MultiComplianceJobResponse
- MultiListNoPaginationResponse
- MultiListNoPaginationResponseMeta
- MultiListResponse
- MultiListResponseMeta
- MultiSpaceLookupResponse
- MultiTweetLookupResponse
- MultiUserLookupResponse
- NonCompliantRulesProblem
- NonCompliantRulesProblemAllOf
- OperationalDisconnectProblem
- OperationalDisconnectProblemAllOf
- Photo
- PhotoAllOf
- Place
- PlaceType
- Point
- Poll
- PollOption
- Problem
- ProblemFields
- ReplySettings
- ResourceNotFoundProblem
- ResourceNotFoundProblemAllOf
- ResourceUnauthorizedProblem
- ResourceUnauthorizedProblemAllOf
- ResourceUnavailableProblem
- ResourceUnavailableProblemAllOf
- Rule
- RuleNoId
- RulesCapProblem
- RulesCapProblemAllOf
- RulesRequestSummary
- RulesRequestSummaryOneOf
- RulesRequestSummaryOneOf1
- RulesResponseMetadata
- SearchCount
- SingleComplianceJobResponse
- SingleListLookupResponse
- SingleSpaceLookupResponse
- SingleTweetLookupResponse
- SingleUserLookupResponse
- Space
- SpaceTopics
- StreamingTweet
- StreamingTweetOneOf
- Tweet
- TweetAttachments
- TweetCountsResponse
- TweetCountsResponseMeta
- TweetCreateResponse
- TweetCreateResponseData
- TweetDeleteResponse
- TweetDeleteResponseData
- TweetGeo
- TweetNonPublicMetrics
- TweetOrganicMetrics
- TweetPromotedMetrics
- TweetPublicMetrics
- TweetReferencedTweets
- TweetSearchResponse
- TweetSearchResponseMeta
- TweetWithheld
- URLFields
- URLImage
- UnsupportedAuthenticationProblem
- UnsupportedAuthenticationProblemAllOf
- UrlEntity
- UsageCapExceededProblem
- UsageCapExceededProblemAllOf
- User
- UserEntities
- UserEntitiesUrl
- UserPublicMetrics
- UserWithheld
- UsersBlockingMutationResponse
- UsersBlockingMutationResponseData
- UsersFollowingCreateResponse
- UsersFollowingCreateResponseData
- UsersFollowingDeleteResponse
- UsersFollowingLookupResponse
- UsersLikesCreateRequest
- UsersLikesCreateResponse
- UsersLikesCreateResponseData
- UsersLikesDeleteResponse
- UsersMutingMutationResponse
- UsersMutingMutationResponseData
- UsersRetweetsCreateRequest
- UsersRetweetsCreateResponse
- UsersRetweetsCreateResponseData
- UsersRetweetsDeleteResponse
- Video
- VideoAllOf
- VideoAllOfNonPublicMetrics
- VideoAllOfOrganicMetrics
- VideoAllOfPromotedMetrics
- VideoAllOfPublicMetrics
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: HTTP basic authentication