Create an easy to peek SwiftUI View to showcase your own data, catalog, images, or anything you'd like.
Supported Platforms
You can use the CardStack
SwiftUI view in the following platforms:
- macOS 10.12+ ?
- iOS 14.0+ ?
- tvOS 14.0+ ?
For your XCode Package
File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency: https://github.com/p-larson/SwiftUICardStack
Select main
branch then click done
For Swift Packages
Add a dependency in your Package.swift
Simple example
See Full Example Usage @ SwiftUICardStack/Example
My Favorite Line of Code from the Package ?
Line 17 of Sources/SwiftUICardStack/CardStackSource.swift
Why this is my favorite
I use the power of KeyPaths to type erase the data set in a short and sweet one liner!
Open Source MIT License, aka: use how you please ?