Xcode Version 14.0 beta (14A5228q) has a bug which prevents some SVG images from building into apps.
Repro Steps
- Clone this project
- Open this project using Xcode 14.0 beta
- Build the app
If you cannot repro, you can try different simulator targets.
A second build may succeeds.
Potential Reason
Per my quick investigation, it might be related to svg filter
<svg width="230" height="120" xmlns="">
<filter id="blurMe">
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="5" />
<circle cx="60" cy="60" r="50" fill="green" />
<circle cx="170" cy="60" r="50" fill="green" filter="url(#blurMe)" />
CompileAssetCatalog /Users/[username]/Developer/xcode_projects/demos/CompileAssetCatalogBug/DerivedData/CompileAssetCatalogBug/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ /Users/[username]/Developer/xcode_projects/demos/CompileAssetCatalogBug/CompileAssetCatalogBug/Assets.xcassets (in target 'CompileAssetCatalogBug' from project 'CompileAssetCatalogBug')
cd /Users/[username]/Developer/xcode_projects/demos/CompileAssetCatalogBug
/Applications/ --output-format human-readable-text --notices --warnings --export-dependency-info /Users/[username]/Developer/xcode_projects/demos/CompileAssetCatalogBug/DerivedData/CompileAssetCatalogBug/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ --output-partial-info-plist /Users/[username]/Developer/xcode_projects/demos/CompileAssetCatalogBug/DerivedData/CompileAssetCatalogBug/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ --app-icon AppIcon --accent-color AccentColor --compress-pngs --enable-on-demand-resources YES --filter-for-device-model iPhone12,1 --filter-for-device-os-version 16.0 --development-region en --target-device iphone --target-device ipad --minimum-deployment-target 16.0 --platform iphonesimulator --compile /Users/[username]/Developer/xcode_projects/demos/CompileAssetCatalogBug/DerivedData/CompileAssetCatalogBug/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ /Users/[username]/Developer/xcode_projects/demos/CompileAssetCatalogBug/CompileAssetCatalogBug/Assets.xcassets
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
'cyclone' is not a recognized processor for this target (ignoring processor)
Command CompileAssetCatalog failed with a nonzero exit code