SwiftUI Color Hex API

This API provides extensions to SwiftUI’s Color struct to easily create colors from hexadecimal strings or integers.

Color Initializer from Hex String

public init(
  _ colorSpace: Color.RGBColorSpace = .sRGB,
  hexString: String

This initializer creates a Color instance from a hexadecimal string.


  • colorSpace: The RGB color space to use for the color. Default value is .sRGB.
  • hexString: A string representing the color in hexadecimal format. The string can optionally include a ‘#’ prefix.


let color = Color(hexString: "#FF5733")

Color Initializer from Hex Integer

public init(
  _ colorSpace: Color.RGBColorSpace = .sRGB,
  hexInt: Int,
  opacity: CGFloat = 1

This initializer creates a Color instance from a hexadecimal integer.


  • colorSpace: The RGB color space to use for the color. Default value is .sRGB.
  • hexInt: An integer representing the color in hexadecimal format.
  • opacity: The opacity of the color. Default value is 1.


let color = Color(hexInt: 0xFF5733)

These extensions make it convenient to work with colors in a SwiftUI project when using hexadecimal values for color definitions.


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