Dynamo – Dynamic Swift Web Server

Starting this project the intention was to code the simplest possible Web Server entirely in Swift. Unfortunately I got a bit carried away adding features such as proxying and dynamic reloading of server code. Dynamo now also works on Linux, see DynamoLinux.

So.. while Dynamo can be used in an iOS application as is demonstrated in this project, the focus has turned to the server side to set up a simple framework inside which it is possible to experiment with SSL, Proxies and what you could call “Swift Server Pages” which are loadable bundles of code placed in the document hierarchy.

The Dynamo server core is based on “Swiftlets”, instances implementing the DynamoSwiftlet protocol. These are presented with incoming HTTP requests from the browser and can choose to process it in any manner it chooses. The developer passes in an array of swiftlet instances combining the features and applications desired on server startup.


@objc public enum DynamoProcessed : Int {
NotProcessed, // does not recognise the request
Processed, // has processed the request
ProcessedAndReusable // "" and connection may be reused in HTTP/1.1

    @objc public protocol DynamoSwiftlet {

        @objc func present( httpClient: DynamoHTTPConnection ) -> DynamoProcessed    

    @objc public enum DynamoProcessed : Int {
            NotProcessed, // does not recognise the request
            Processed, // has processed the request
            ProcessedAndReusable // "" and connection may be reused in HTTP/1.1

For further information about the classes and protools that make up Dynamo please consult the jazzy docs here. The Swiftlets included in the framework are as follows:


The default swiftlet to serve documents from ~/Sites/host:port or the applications resources directory for iOS.

ProxySwiftlet, SSLProxySwiftlet

Dynamo can act as a proxy server logging what can be a surprising about of traffic from your browser. To use the proxy, run OSX target and set your proxy to localhost:8080.

ApplicationSwiftlet, SessionSwiftlet

ApplicationSwiftlet is the abstract superclass of all “application” swiftlets parsing browser GET and POST parameters and any Cookies. SessionSwiftlet adds the ability to have an application Swiftlet created separately for each unique web user using Cookies.

BundleSwiftlet, ServerPagesSwiftlet

BundleSwiftlet, loads a swiftlet from a bundle with extension “.ssp” in an OSX application’s resources. A simple python script can generate the Swift source for the bundle from a “.shtml” mixing HTML and Swift language. The ServerPagesSwiftlet takes this a step further where the bundle is loaded from the document root for the sever when used from the command line. If the bundle is updated for new functionality, provided it contains the “AutoLoader.m” stub the new code will be “swizzled” into operation.

ExampleAppSwiftlet, TickTackToe, NumberGuesser

The ExampleAppSwiftlet is used in the tests for checking character encoding in GET and POST form submission. TickTackToe is an example .ssp application in a bundle target. NumberGuesser is implemented as a .shtml template compiled into swift code by the Utilities/sspcompiler.py script. Changes made to these Swiftlets will take effect when you reload the page after a project build.

DynamoWebServer, DynamoSSLWebServer severs.

Consult OSX/AppDelegate.swift or iOS/AppDelegate.m of the OSX and iOS targets for how to create instances of these classes.

    // create shared swiftlet for server applications
    let exampleTableGenerator = ExampleAppSwiftlet( pathPrefix: "/example" )
    let tickTackToeGame = BundleSwiftlet( pathPrefix: "/ticktacktoe", bundleName: "TickTackToe" )!

    let logger = {
        (msg: String) in
        println( msg )

    // create non-SSL server/proxy on 8080
    DynamoWebServer( portNumber: serverPort, swiftlets: [
        LoggingSwiftlet( logger: dynamoTrace ),
        SSLProxySwiftlet( logger: logger ),
        ProxySwiftlet( logger: logger ),
        ServerPagesSwiftlet( documentRoot: documentRoot ),
        DocumentSwiftlet( documentRoot: documentRoot )
    ] )

Creating the instance is sufficient for the server to start and run in it’s own threads. There is an additional “Daemon” target creating a command line version of the sever which should be run from inside the DynamoApp.app’s resources so it can find the Dynamo framework.

The Dynamo framework has a .podspec file so it can be brought into your project with the following:

<div class="snippet-clipboard-content position-relative" data-snippet-clipboard-copy-content=" use_frameworks!

target "" do

pod ‘Dynamo’, :git => ‘https://github.com/johnno1962/Dynamo.git’



    target "<project>" do

        pod 'Dynamo', :git => 'https://github.com/johnno1962/Dynamo.git'
